The Longbranch Foundation was organized to support charitable and educational activities. We award grants to qualifying organizations and individuals for specific projects that are in alignment with TLF's charitable purposes.
Nonprofit organizations based on the Key Peninsula are especially encouraged to apply!

Pictured above: TLF grant recipients, Key Peninsula Middle School
Grant Projects must align with one or more TLF Charitable Purposes:

Preserving and Maintaining LIC's Historic Clubhouse
Maintaining and Improving LIC Grounds and Trails for Public Recreation
Advancing Education by Supporting Scholarship Programs and Public School Activities
Improving Environmental Protection & Public Safety at the Longbranch Marina
Supporting Community Service Organizations and Activities
Supporting the Community Wherever the Need is Greatest
Grant Application Process
Complete the TLF Grant Application with your Project Proposal.
Review and sign the TLF Grant Agreement.
Submit both documents to TLF by 5pm on the day of the Board meeting. (Meetings held quarterly: Feb 15, May 15, Sept 15, Dec 15)
Successful applicants will be awarded grants by the 15th of the following month.
Mini-Grant Program
The Longbranch Foundation partners with Key Peninsula Middle School and Evergreen Elementary to provide opportunities for students through mini-grants.
Apply on behalf of your:



To request funding for:


Grant maximum: $999.99 per proposal
Mini-grant proposals should indicate how the requested funds further The Longbranch Foundation's mission to promote experiences that are collaborative in nature and have the potential to expose students to enriching activities they might not otherwise get to experience.