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Longbranch Foundation Annual Summary 2018

Look at all you’ve accomplished in 2018.

It’s been a wonderful and busy year at your Longbranch Foundation. Driven with generous donations and 1,300 hours of time, we’ve done so much good for the KP we all love!

Scholarships for Local Grads

  • 3 Peninsula High seniors studying physics & astronomy at N. Arizona U; biology at WSU and criminal justice at UW

  • 2 students continue studying Chinese & music at PLU; business at WSU

Support for Local Students

  • 8 Fifth-grader scholarships to Camp Seymour Environmental Camp

  • 6 Evergreen students to Camp Seymour summer camp in partnership with CIS

  • Clothing and boots for children in need

Community Projects

  • After School Programs at Red Barn and Two Waters

  • 2,000 cartons of milk with Food Backpacks 4 Kids

  • Brand new Longbranch sign and landscaping

Longbranch Improvements

  • Longbranch Improvement Club west windows historic restoration

  • Longbranch Improvement Club trails expansion and improvement

  • Marina project supported by 163 hours of volunteer time


You continue to make a difference.

  • Donate. You can designate area of general support or a specific project

  • Save Key Market Recipes or shop at Amazon Smile

  • Join your friends at our annual Celebrate fundraiser or the LIC Super Sale

  • Donate stock, a memorial or bequest

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