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TLF Donates School Supplies to Evergreen Students

The purpose of our biennial Auction is to put in place sustainable plans to fund Student Programs and Higher Education Scholarships. Your generous donations from the 2017 Auction and the yearly Celebrate Campaign established a plan that recently funded the following Student Program at Evergreen Elementary.

Our Student Program co-chairs Jan Pritchard and Kim Robinson report:

Thirty-nine students from grades K through 3 were picked by their teachers to attend a free, three week “camp” at Evergreen to help them with their reading skills. A grant from Rotary North and funds from Peninsula School District paid for a paraeducator all day; Food Backpacks 4 Kids provided breakfast, lunch and snacks, Children’s Home Society paid for afternoon teachers; and Community in Schools paid for Tricia Endsley who put it all together with the help of a great group of volunteers.

On the last day of camp, August 8,

The Longbranch Foundation provided all the school supplies that each student will need to start a successful school year at Evergreen. Using money from our last Auction and contributions to our yearly Celebrate campaign, Jan and Kim put together “Back to School” bags of supplies. We were so pleased to partner with CIS and be a part of this great collaboration.

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